Support the Kilmers as they serve with Christ In Action,
Bringing Hope to Families in America

Mike & Karen Kilmer live in Warrenton,VA, serving as full time missionaries. Mike has extensive experience driving trucks and is CIA's primary truck driver as well as working on maintenace and upkeep on CIA's fleet. Karen works in the office and cooks for teams at our HQ as well as on deployment..

As missionaries to America they do not receive a salary, but live by faith, trusting God to provide their needs. All the staff at CIA raise their own support, allowing donations made to the ministry to go straight to the work of the ministry without being diminished due to salaries. By supporting them as missionaries you enable them to fufill the call God has placed on their lives. Thank you!

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"But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for you work will be rewarded." 2 Chronicles 15:7
